320,00 €

Yoshinori Mizutani

“Cherry blossoms are so beautiful

that I don’t think I’ve spent as much

time looking at anything else

Facing a sakura tree

my eyes shift

from one petal to another

from one flower to another

until the whole picture is grasped


I attempt to visualize

the move of my observing eyes

and crystallize the visual experience

of meditating and wandering upon

the blooming tree

As a result

the images show that

photography captures not only

a specific moment

but also the passing of time”

Yoshinori Mizutani

Édition limitée à 45 exemplaires numérotés dont 45 exemplaires numérotés et signés accompagnés d’un tirage jet d’encre (à choisir parmi 3 images, sur Pictorico, Gekko Silver label Plus, 17,3x26 cm)

Une coédition the(M) éditions et IBASHO

Photographies : Yoshinori Mizutani

Texte (japonais / anglais) : Yoshinori Mizutani

Design : Akiko Wakabayashi

Couverture souple


96 pages

Publication : mars 2021

ISBN : 979-10-95424-23-9

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